
UKGE and our games

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UKGE and our games

We’ll be visiting UKGE this year, and in preparation for doing so we thought it would be a good idea to go through all the game systems we’ve integrated with Wartop so far.

Base Game Packages

Many Ages

The first of the two games we included on the initial launch of Wartop. Many Ages: Second Edition from Hobby Dungeon Games is a fantasy game where you choose individual equipment items for your units and it uses a unique activation mechanic where it randomly chooses which player goes based on the units on the table.

Streets of Erekh

The second game included in our launch version.
The golden lights of Erekh have beckoned to travelers on both sea and land for centuries. Rows of bright faced shops with smiling shopkeepers displaying their wares wait around every turn. Merry taverns with glowing fireplaces overflowing with songs, laughter, and drink can be found with ease. Dicing halls, restaurants, and bawdy houses without number exist for the sole purpose of parting merchants, adventurers, and sailors alike from their coin.
Streets of Erekh, from David Osborne, included some new unit sheets and was our first game to feature an interactive unit card built into the unit itself for tracking wounds on body parts. The system also included 6 factions.

Nebula: All Out War

Nebula: All Out War is a Sci-Fi skirmish game from CastnPlay with 4 separate factions and over 130 miniatures, tokens, bases and pieces of terrain in the full packages. This game was released in two versions. The base starter has a small amount of starter units and some basic terrain and is included in the base version of Wartop free.

Additional factions are available for purchase on our shop. Purchasing any of the factions also unlocks a ton of terrain that can be used in any game.



Duel is a western themed game from CatZeyeS Entertainment and is the first game we’ve experimented with using a non-standard table for. As the game is miniature agnostic, using video game assets to build out the table and create scatter terrain from allowed us to a create more visually rich and interesting table.


Guncraze is best described by the creator, Action Tactics Roleplay Gaming:

Welcome to the exhilarating world of GunCraze Miniature Battles, an action-packed skirmish game that brings the intensity of combat to your tabletop. Powered by the GunCraze Action Tabletop Roleplaying System, this game pits players against each other in heart-pounding combat scenarios. Prepare to unleash your tactical prowess as you run, jump, climb, and charge across the game mat, engaging in exhilarating battles where every move counts.

The game includes some miniatures from Papsikels along with  a custom tabletop, grid based overlay, and warehouse themed terrain. 


Brave Sun

Brave Sun, from Blitz Gaming, is a space ship style skirmish game that uses bespoke movement tools for placing the units. This game also contains a free starter included in the base version of Wartop, and will have a couple of packages that can be purchased on the store to unlock more units and terrain.

Revelations: Skirmish

Revelations: Skirmish is our first game which isn’t a 28/32mm based game. Big stompy robots, little infantry squads and vehicles galore. There is a free base package, and coming later will be faction packs with tons of models to customize your army. This is also our first game that runs on live stats. Army stats and features are updated live from the Revelations: Skirmish website each time you run it.

In part 2, we’ll have a look at the game systems and assets available through the store for unlock in Wartop.

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